Its almost been half a year since any entry has been posted. I'm @ a loss. Plus typing on this super small laptop isnt a bundle of fun. You need really super tiny fingers to type fast and ACCURATELY. Most importantly, long finger nails are a a big no no apparently.
I'm bored. I'm sleepy but unable to sleep. Im getting tired of jetting around every month. I want to be abe to just sit and relax. Take a deep breath and laze around. i never wanted to be so caught up in this rat's race lifestyle but somehow, i've been sucked into it without realising it till its too late.
Time has flown by. Its almost the 1st year mark of me joining a new company. Here I am sitting in the same hotel that I do every month for the 8th time already as i'm officially an employee of this new company for 8 months. Somehow, it feels longer. But then the job that I'm doing seems endless and never ending.
The husband is out drinking and entertaining which pisses me off. Somehow, whenever I'm not around, entertainment is just necessary. Or ineviteble. Irritates the hell out of me.
I should be feeling better that I can rant, but somehow, it doesnt change much....