Its suppose to be the beginning of a new year. This is suppose to be the embarkment of a new journey. A journey which one always supposes starts with much laughter and happiness. But here I am. Spending my first new year as a newly wedded person, sitting on the bed, laptop in front of me, eyes drenched in tears and typing to vent it all out. What the hell is this suppose to mean????
Newlyweds I thought were suppose that we are still encosed happily and engrossed with each other. This is not the case for me. I have a husband whom today of all days has made something significantly clear to me, He Has His OWN life and I have my OWN life. We do not comprise or help each other out. When one enlists help, be reminded that the other party doesnt have to fulfill it because the other party wasn't the one who offered anyway. Asking for help doensn't signify that the other party is obligated or would be happy to help out. Asking for help means that you're only putting pressure and giving the other party grief. So, this is what marriage is suppose to be?!?!? A marriage more of just convenience. If you're down and need help that's your problem dude. If you need help, sure ask, but that doensn't mean I need to do it because I never offered in the first place. So I can opt to just take lightly what you've asked.
This is what I'm suppose to put and bear with... So tell me, why shouldn't I be hurt beyound words @ such callousness. You tell me how those words sound to you.