I love chicken rice. Gimme chicken rice anyday and I’m a happy camper. This entry, let me say first is actually very very late. Because by the time this entry goes up, I’d have found the new “ultimate” chicken rice place! Hock King!! Its right opposite Grand Continental. It’s the coffee shop with the bright yellow signage. Ok..ok.. lets not diversify from the topic. Back to the topic that I was talking about, Chiking vs THSR. Well, I think both these chicken rice place are different. Each brings forth different flavours in their chicken. I can’t decide which is actually really better because I love them both. However, I do have say that Chiking’s rice is a lot better than the rice that is served over @ THSR. Why? Well, I like rice that are more isolated from each other. Meaning when its cooked, you can’t have too much water in the pot because it causes the rice to be soggy and they get kinda stuck together. I like rice where I can really taste the texture of each individual rice. But I’d say that this would boil down to different individuals. Older generation would prefer the rice served over @ THSR.

The rice the Chiking serves

The chicken from Chiking

Veggies from Chiking
THSR however is more generous with the sauce that they pour over the chicken compared to Chiking and this is important to me. I think the sauce that is used to pour over the chicken is one of the most essential issues when it comes to chicken rice. It determines the flavour of the chicken and I love having it over my rice as well. But, I can’t say that THSR is very consistent with their sauce. One minute the first dish they serve you can be really salty whereas the second dish can be just right.

Chicken from THSR. As you can see, presentation wise, they do beat Chiking too. I think.

Veggies from THSR
The verdict?
They both rule! BUT the King of the them all now is HOCK KING!!!! Woo hooo!!
PS : Veggie @ Chiking is yucky!